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Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Members' Press: The e-newslett​er from UMAA

The Members' Press - The University of Montana Alumni Association Monthly E-Newsletter

Dear Members,

Summer’s not over yet, but we’re already thinking about students, and alums, arriving back on campus in a matter of weeks. One of UMAA’s most exciting events of the year – Homecoming – is fast approaching! Mark your calendars for the week of Sept. 29-Oct. 5, when students, alumni, faculty, staff and community members will converge on campus for a full schedule of fun activities.

In the meantime, we hope you’ll join us tonight for UMAA’s ninth annual Night with the Missoula Osprey, and come to Caras Park on Thursday, Aug. 15, for Missoula Downtown ToNight, co-sponsored by UMAA.

As always, your generous support of the UM Alumni Association is greatly appreciated. We are lucky to have so many wonderful alumni like you who make it possible for us to provide great programs, events and services.

Thank you, and go Griz!
Event Calendar

August Event Calendar


1 -
UM Night with the Missoula Osprey
15 - Missoula Downtown ToNight, co-sponsored by UMAA

26-Sept. 6 - Taste of Europe Luxury Cruise
Save the Dates


19-21 -
100th Anniversary of UM's Department of Forestry
19-22 - Black Studies Program reunion (45th anniversary)29-Oct 5 - Homecoming Week

6-7 -
UMAA Board of Directors fall meeting, Missoula
11-19 - Northern Italy: Culture and Cuisine (land program)17-25 - Greek Isles Odyssey Luxury Cruise26 - Montana State dedication of Grateful Nation Fallen Soldier Memorial
Homecoming 2013: Up With Montana!
Up With Montana! 2013 Homecoming - Sept. 29-Oct. 5 - University of Montana

This year’s Homecoming festivities will get under way Sunday, Sept. 29, with the annual Homecoming kickoff celebration in the clock court at Southgate Mall. Other popular events include coloring the Hello Walk, the Distinguished Alumni Awards ceremony and reception, the pep rally, the Homecoming parade and the TV tailgate. You’ll find a complete Homecoming schedule with event details on our Homecoming web page. See you in September!
Missoula Osprey Night (Tonight!)
Missoula Osprey Baseball Game
UMAA hosts its ninth annual Night with the Missoula Osprey on Thursday, Aug. 1, at Ogren Park at Allegiance Field. The barbecue will begin at 6 p.m. on the Blackfoot Party Deck, and the Osprey will take on the Helena Brewers at 7 p.m. For more information or to register, visit our Osprey Night event page.
Missoula Downtown ToNight
Food, live music and family fun down by the river – it’s Missoula Downtown ToNight. On Thursday, Aug. 15, from 5:30–8:30 p.m., come visit the UMAA booth at Caras Park. If you're in town...join us!
Campus News Connection
Do you want to know what’s happening around the University of Montana from week to week? There’s a perfect publication for you: UM Weekly is a free, weekly e-newsletter that provides University-wide news to readers throughout the academic year. It’s easy to sign up: just go to the UM home page and enter your email address in the “Connect with UM” box in the right column. It’s easy to unsubscribe at any time and UM will never share or sell your email address.
Flathead Event Recap

Thank you to everyone who came out for our annual Flathead event! We had a fantastic turnout with 220 people in attendance at the Flathead Lake Lodge in Bigfork. Visit our Flickr page to see photos from the event.
UMAA Names Scholarship Recipient
The UMAA Board of Directors is thrilled to announce Jeanette Comstock as the recipient of this year’s UMAA legacy scholarship. Jeanette is a junior majoring in biochemistry and dance. She is a student of the Davidson Honors College and part of the pre-medical sciences program at UM. After graduating, she plans to pursue a career as a physician specializing in mental illness. Congratulations, Jeanette!
Meet Your UMAA Board

Colleen McGuire '79

Colleen McGuire '79
Columbus, OH
Colleen McGuire '79 is a retired U.S. Army brigadier general. She currently is the executive director of Delta Gamma Fraternity (est. 1873), and serves as a panel member on the Department of Defense’s Adult Sexual Assault Crimes Panel mandated by Congress. As a military police officer, Colleen was the first woman in the history of the U.S. Army to hold the highest law enforcement office, provost marshal general; first woman to command the U.S. Army’s premier felony investigative organization, Criminal Investigations Command; and the first woman to command the Department of Defense all-male maximum security prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Colleen also established the Army’s Suicide Prevention Task Force and served as its director for three years.

Colleen earned a degree in radio-television production from the University of Montana, a master’s degree of military arts and sciences from the Army’s Command and General Staff College and a master’s degree of national security and strategic studies from the Army War College. She is a University of Montana Distinguished Alumna.

Raised in Missoula, Colleen attended several Missoula grade schools and is a graduate of Sentinel High School. Her daughter, Maggie, and her family reside in Kalispell. Her father, William McGuire, still resides in Missoula.

See the complete list of the UMAA board of directors, including the five newly elected members
A Word From a UM Alum

“Hope all is well in beautiful Montana. Not a day goes by without thinking about my amazing six years in MT. Every once in a while an Alum representative will come through Hawaii and take me to lunch and talk story. Keep up the good fight!”

-Danny Jason Gallegos ’01, Honolulu, Hawaii

Benefit Spotlight
University of Montana Career Services
Do you know a new grad who’s looking to jump-start their career? A specially discounted $20 UMAA membership will gain them access to UM’s Career Services, where they can take advantage of the Ask-an-Alum mentoring program, individual career counseling, career fairs, workshops, and Griz e-Recruiting. Recruiting services and job postings are available exclusively to members of the University of Montana Alumni Association. For more information or to post a resume today, visit Career Services.

Travel Spotlight
Southern Culture and Civil War
Southern Culture and Civil War March 28–April 6, 2014

New Orleans, Oak Alley, Baton Rouge, St. Francisville, Natchez, Vicksburg, Helena, Memphis aboard the American Queen. Steamboat along the Mississippi River. Book by September 12, 2013 to receive a one-night pre-cruise hotel stay in New Orleans and $100 onboard credit per stateroom.
Support UMAA
Give to UMAA online now
Did you know that you can make gifts to the UM Alumni Association directly from our home page? Look for this button on the right side of the UMAA home page at Thank you for your continued support of UMAA!

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